
ASCLS-Indiana's Goals

  • Maintain relevance to both students and new professionals.
  • Retain new professionals as members of ASCLS.
  • Provide opportunities for established professionals through service, networking, and CE opportunities.
  • Increase the number of ASCLS-IN members and their overall involvement in the society.

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Awards and Scholarships

2024 Constituent Society Member of the Year Award Nominee

The purpose of the ASCLS Constituent Society Member of the Year Award is to recognize a member who has contributed significantly to the field of clinical laboratory science and to the state and/or national ASCLS in the past 5-10 years and who has, by outstanding example, inspired others over that time as an active member in the organization.

  • To be announced

2024 Key to the Future Award Recipients

This award serves to recognize and reward ASCLS members who have demonstrated their leadership potential to the organization, and to provide these members with structured mentoring.

  • To be announced


2024 Omicron Sigma Award Recipients

First awarded in 1977, Omicron Sigma is the ASCLS President's Honor Roll for Outstanding Service. It provides lasting recognition of those dedicated members who volunteer their personal resources, time and energy to ASCLS. 

  • To be announced

CICBF Scholarship & ASCLS-IN Scholarship

  • To be announced